Command Line Usage

Environment variables

  • OS_AUTH_URL: Keystone URL (v3 endpoint)
  • OS_REGION_NAME: OpenStack region name
  • OS_USERNAME: OpenStack username
  • OS_PASSWORD: OpenStack password
  • ALMANACH_SERVICE: Almanach Keystone catalog service name
  • ALMANACH_TOKEN: Almanach API token, if empty a token will be fetched from Keystone
  • ALMANACH_URL: Almanach API base URL, if empty the endpoint will be fetched from Keystone catalog

Optional Arguments

  • --os-auth-url: Keystone URL (v3 endpoint)
  • --os-region-name: OpenStack region name
  • --os-username: OpenStack username
  • --os-password: OpenStack password
  • --almanach-service: Almanach Keystone catalog service name
  • --almanach-token: Almanach API token, if empty a token will be fetched from Keystone
  • --almanach-url: Almanach API base URL, if empty the endpoint will be fetched from Keystone catalog

Get server version

Usage: almanach version

almanach version


Get Endpoint URL

Usage: almanach endpoint

almanach endpoint

Get Tenant Entities

Usage: almanach list-entities <tenant_id> <start> --end <end>

almanach list-entities bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364 2016-01-01 --end 2017-05-30

| Entity ID                            | Type     | Name   | Start                     | End  | Properties                                                                            |
| 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d | instance | vm01   | 2017-05-09 14:19:14+00:00 | None | {'image': {'distro': 'centos', 'version': '7', 'os_type': 'linux'}, 'flavor': 'A1.1'} |
| f0690323-c394-4848-a272-964aad6431aa | instance | vm02   | 2017-05-15 18:31:42+00:00 | None | {'image': {'distro': 'centos', 'version': '7', 'os_type': 'linux'}, 'flavor': 'A1.1'} |
| 3e3b22e6-a10c-4c00-b8e5-05fcc8422b11 | volume   | vol01  | 2017-05-15 19:11:14+00:00 | None | {'size': 1, 'attached_to': [], 'volume_type': 'solidfire0'}                           |


  • tenant_id: Tenant ID (UUID)
  • start: Start date (ISO8601 format)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format), optional

Get one Entity

Usage: almanach get-entity <entity_id>

almanach get-entity 3e3b22e6-a10c-4c00-b8e5-05fcc8422b11

| Tenant ID                        | Type   | Name | Start                     | End  | Properties                                                  |
| bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364 | volume | vol1 | 2017-05-15 19:11:14+00:00 | None | {'size': 1, 'attached_to': [], 'volume_type': 'solidfire0'} |


  • entity_id: Entity ID (UUID)

List Instances Entities

Usage: almanach list-instances <tenant_id> <start> <end>

almanach list-entities bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364 2016-01-01 2017-05-30

| Instance ID                          | Name   | Start                     | End                              | Flavor  | Image Meta                                                 |
| f0690323-c394-4848-a272-964aad6431aa | vm02   | 2017-05-15 18:31:42+00:00 | None                             | A1.1    | {'distro': 'centos', 'version': '7', 'os_type': 'linux'}   |
| 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d | vm01   | 2017-05-09 14:19:14+00:00 | 2017-05-17 09:37:47.775000+00:00 | A1.1    | {'distro': 'centos', 'version': '7', 'os_type': 'linux'}   |


  • tenant_id: Tenant ID (UUID)
  • start: Start date (ISO8601 format)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format)

Create Instance Entity

Usage: almanach create_instance <tenant_id> <instance_id> <name> <flavor> <start> --image-meta <image_meta>


almanach create-instance bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364 \
    8d8d0dc7-5f06-40aa-aba8-c4ff02aeb866 \
    my-instance \
    my-flavor \
    2017-01-01 \
    --image-meta '{"distro": "centos7", "type": "linux"}'

  • tenant_id: Tenant ID (UUID)
  • instance_id: Instance ID (UUID)
  • start: Start date (ISO8601 format)
  • name: Instance name (string)
  • flavor: Flavor (string)
  • image_meta: Image metadata (dict as JSON string)

Update Instance Entity

Usage: almanach update-instance <instance_id> --start <start> --end <end> --name <name> --flavor <flavor>

almanach update-instance 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d --name vm03

| Field       | Value                                                    |
| Tenant ID   | bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364                         |
| Instance ID | 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d                     |
| Start       | 2017-05-09 14:19:14+00:00                                |
| End         | None                                                     |
| Name        | vm03                                                     |
| Flavor      | A1.1                                                     |
| Image       | {'distro': 'centos', 'version': '7', 'os_type': 'linux'} |


  • instance_id: Instance ID (UUID)
  • start: Start date (ISO8601 format)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format)
  • name: Instance name (string)
  • flavor: Flavor (string)

Delete Instance

Usage: almanach delete-instance <instance_id> --end <end>

almanach delete-instance 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d



  • instance_id: Instance ID (UUID)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current date time is used

Resize Instance

Usage: almanach resize-instance <instance_id> <flavor> --date <resize_date>

almanach resize-instance 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d New_Flavor



  • instance_id: Instance ID (UUID)
  • flavor: Flavor (string)
  • date: Resize date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current datetime is used

List Volumes

Usage: almanach list-volumes <tenant_id> <start> <end>

almanach list-volumes bca89ae64dba46b8b74653d8d9ae8364 2016-01-01 2017-09-01

| Volume ID                            | Name | Start                     | End  | Type       | Size | Attachments |
| 3e3b22e6-a10c-4c00-b8e5-05fcc8422b11 | vol1 | 2017-05-15 19:11:14+00:00 | None | solidfire0 |    1 | []          |


  • tenant_id: Tenant ID (UUID)
  • start: Start date (ISO8601 format)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format)

Create Volume

Usage: almanach create-volume <tenant_id> <volume_id> <volume_type_id> <volume_name> <size> --date <creation_date> --attachment <instance_id>

almanach create-volume \
    8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d \
    3e3b22e6-a10c-4c00-b8e5-05fcc8422b11 \
    f3786e9f-f8e6-4944-a3bc-e11b9f112706 \
    my-volume \
    5 \
    --attachment=86dd5189-d9d6-40f7-a319-19231fbd4e07 \



  • tenant_id: Tenant ID (UUID)
  • volume_id: Volume ID (UUID)
  • volume_type_id: Volume ID (UUID)
  • volume_name: Volume name (string)
  • size: Volume size (integer)
  • date: Creation date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current datetime is used
  • attachment: Attach the volume to one or many instances (UUID)

Delete Volume

Usage: almanach delete-volume <volume_id> --end <end>

almanach delete-volume 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d



  • volume_id: Instance ID (UUID)
  • end: End date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current date time is used

Resize Volume

Usage: almanach resize-volume <volume_id> <size> --date <resize_date>

almanach resize-volume 8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d 2



  • volume_id: Volume ID (UUID)
  • size: Volume size (integer)
  • date: Resize date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current datetime is used

Attach Volume

Usage: almanach attach-volume <volume_id> --date <creation_date> --attachment <instance_id>

almanach attach-volume \
    8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d \



  • volume_id: Volume ID (UUID)
  • date: Attachment date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current datetime is used
  • attachment: Attach the volume to one or many instances (UUID)

Detach Volume

Usage: almanach detach-volume <volume_id> --date <creation_date> --attachment <instance_id>

almanach detach-volume \
    8c3bc3aa-28d6-4863-b5ae-72e1b415f79d \



  • volume_id: Volume ID (UUID)
  • date: Attachment date (ISO8601 format), if not specified the current datetime is used
  • attachment: Attach the volume to one or many instances (UUID)

List Volume Types

Usage: almanach list-volume-types

almanach list-volume-types

| Volume Type ID                       | Volume Type Name |
| f3786e9f-f8e6-4944-a3bc-e11b9f112706 | solidfire0       |

Get Volume Type

Usage: almanach get-volume-type <volume_type_id>

almanach get-volume-type f3786e9f-f8e6-4944-a3bc-e11b9f112706

| Field            | Value                                |
| Volume Type ID   | f3786e9f-f8e6-4944-a3bc-e11b9f112706 |
| Volume Type Name | solidfire0                           |

Create Volume Type

Usage: almanach create-volume-type <volume_type_id> <volume_type_name>

almanach create-volume-type f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a6672 my_volume_type


Delete Volume Type

Usage: almanach delete-volume-type <volume_type_id>

almanach delete-volume-type f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a6672
