Almanach Python API


First, create an Almanach Client instance by providing a Keystone session and your AUTH_TOKEN:

>>> from keystoneauth1 import loading
>>> from keystoneauth1 import session
>>> from almanachclient.v1.client import Client

>>> loader = loading.get_plugin_loader('password')
>>> auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=AUTH_URL,
...                                 username=USERNAME,
...                                 password=PASSWORD,
...                                 project_name=PROJECT_NAME,
...                                 project_domain_name="Default",
...                                 user_domain_name="Default")
>>> sess = session.Session(auth=auth)

>>> almanach = Client(session=sess, token=AUTH_TOKEN)

Here ALMANACH_URL will be a string that represents the url of Almanach API. AUTH_TOKEN will be the authorization token you use to access the API.

You can also create a Keystone Client instance to fetch Almanach API endpoint:

>>> from almanachclient.keystone_client import KeystoneClient
>>> keystone_client = KeystoneClient(KEYSTONE_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD, SERVICE, REGION)
>>> almanach_url = keystone_client.get_endpoint_url()

In this case KEYSTONE_URL will be a string that represents the url of your keystone catalog. The nature of USERNAME and PASSWORD speak for themselves. SERVICE will be a string you use to identify the “almanach” service. REGION is used to determine which region the “almanach” service is being used in.


>>> import datetime
>>> from almanachclient.v1.client import Client
>>> start_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 01, 05)
>>> end_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 02, 05)
>>> almanach = Client('', 'myApiAuthorizationToken')
>>> almanach.get_info()
>>> almanach.get_volume_types()
>>> almanach.get_volume_type('f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a6673')
>>> almanach.create_volume_type('f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a5555', 'VolumeTypeName')
>>> almanach.delete_volume_type('f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a5555')
>>> almanach.get_tenant_entities('my-tenant-uuid', start_date, end_date)
>>> almanach.delete_instance('f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a3333')
>>> almanach.update_instance_entity(instance_id='f1c2db7b-946e-47a4-b443-914a669a2222', start=start_date, end=end_date)